1) How many of you are signed up for my newsletter?
Every month I write and send out a newsletter, sharing with you the newest updates.
AND every newsletter I send out I draw an email out of the subscriber list.
That email address belongs to a lucky winner of:
bookmarks, Amazon Gift Cards, hand-made key chains and free ebooks.
This is why I’m asking.
5 of the last 10 newsletters, the lucky recipient has failed to claim their prize!
REALLY? Who doesn’t want a free gift?
2) If you are signed up for my newsletter, are you getting it?
(Please look in your junk mail box. The sender addy starts: author@holly…)
I’ve even begun choosing from only those recipients who open or click on the newsletter, regularly, to increase the odds of being able to give a prize.
3) If you are getting the newsletter, are you reading it all the way to the end?
I put the lucky winner at the end of the newsletter after I share my news.
There has been a lot of news this year with so many books being launched and I do like to celebrate with people. The newsletters and gifts are my party. 🙂
4) Is anyone out there reading this who would like to enter a drawing for a free e-book?
Just leave a comment. The button for that in under the title at the top of the blog.
And if you want to sign up for regular chances to win from my newsletter, the sign up is on the right side of the page.
Join me as I celebrate.
I read it.
I think I get your newsletter but will sign up again to be sure. And who doesn’t like winning gift cards or books.
I open and read but never see my name…..I am in tears knowing others don’t look and I could’ve won….. crocodile tears down my cheeks.
Gotta love me Ms. Holly!
I always read the newsletter when it comes in email, but it’s a while since I visited the website.
I won’t leave it so long again 😊
Just re-read the Sage Seed Chronicles again – I always feel sad when I get to the end because I want to continue to exist in that world – at least in my mind, and maybe my heart.
Good books are like old friends, you have to go back and visit when you can 😊
yes, i’m getting and reading your emails. Sometimes not straight away between work and school not on the computer so much
Sorry! I do read your newsletter but I haven’t in a while. I will be better! Promise! 💜
I read your newsletters.
Yes I read your emails. I love free e-books. I read all of your emails to the end. I am suppose to be getting your emails so I have never checked the email address your newsletters come from, I will do that when the next one arrives. I noticed that this one came from word press.
I hope you get lots of positive responses!
I hope you have a wonderful day.