Without further ado, my conversation with Morgan:
Do you plot out your novels in advance or do you write on the fly?- Both. I always have to outline the main idea of each chapter and quotes I want to use, but I also let the characters guide me.
What experience do you want for your readers?- I want my readers to be able to escape to a new world when they read my works. I tend to put fantastical elements in real world settings, adding some magic to the every day. My hope is that the reader can be entertained and find a friend somewhere in my book, be it a character, a situation they relate to, a quote that speaks to them. Connecting with my readers through characters and places I created means more than I can express.
Are any of your character traits or settings based on real life?- Absolutely. I always advice to aspiring authors to write about what you love and what you know. In “Spirit Vision,” almost all the characters are based on students, my family, friends, and spirits I have encountered. For “The Hunter and The Bringer,” some of my characters are based on figures in medias I am a fan of, but with a twist. What are your most significant challenges when you write?– Time management is the hardest for me since I work three teaching jobs or my lupus will drain me of energy or motivation at random times sadly. Marketing is also something I am not good with. My goodness; I should have gotten a degree in that!
When did you decide to become a writer and why?- When I was growing up, I was a timid child, feeling I was a burden to those around me. Spoken words never arrived when I needed them. So, when those failed, written words, especially with poems, was my expression, my comfort, my friends. I decided to write my first novel thanks to my ninth grade Language Arts teachers who flamboyantly informed me I would make a great character in his book. It inspired me to give it a try, my overactive imagination kicking in. After four years of writing and four more to find an agent, this manuscript became my first book, “Spirit Vision.” I am very blessed.
How many books do you have published? Can you tell us about your current book?- I currently have 7 books published and also two short stories in an anthology.
My current book is called “Monsters and Mortals,” the second book in my new adult series (17+) “The Hunter and The Bringer.” The series follows the top agents of two rivaling monster hunting groups. Valda is the tough-as-nails star of The Hunters who uses weapons to destroy vile monsters whose only goal is to feed and destroy. Jeremey is the over-the-top and charming golden boy of The Bringers, who uses defensive measures and science to capture monsters for research, not killing. With different ideals and personalities, the two do not get along. So, when they are forced to work on a joint case to stop a powerful threat, adventures, mystery, and comedy ensues as they dive deeper into lore, backstories, and battles. The book is fiction if you can’t tell, unless you know something about monsters in the real world that I don’t…Gasp!
What are the most important attributes to remaining sane as a writer?- Like with all jobs, taking care of your mental health. And be proud of what you are creating. Authors have one of the most magical jobs there is.
Have you ever read or seen yourself as a character in a book?- Both of my female protagonists is based on myself, but with traits I wished I had.
Why do you think what you do matters?- Authors entertain and inform. Bring happiness, a companion, information. Having the power to start movements, create characters and worlds, is it truly a gift and I love I get to be apart of it.
What do you consider your best work? That’s a tough one. My first book, “Spirit Vision,” will always be so dear to my heart being my first book. But, I shockingly grew so close to the characters in both my books in “The Hunter and The Bringer” series, the writing style different, but still me. My favorite current short story was “To Bear a War,” which is a historical fiction set during World War II; I am touched by the reactions I get from that one.
I hope you enjoyed this interview and will check out these captivating books. More information on Morgan and her stories can be found on her website: http://morganscomnick.com