There is a delightful story in that. One of the great people that I met on Twitter became intrigued with the concept of my book (The Sage Seed Chronicles: The Unraveling) and bought it. We discovered as we chatted back and forth that she worked as an associate for Red Willow Digital Press, my publisher. She wasn’t aware who the authors were in that house. How much fun was that coincidence!
As she was reading it she would email me and tell me how it was a page-turner and how much she enjoyed it. Then one Sunday I got an email from her. She had finished the book and r-e-a-l-l-y wanted to continue with the story. She asked when the sequel was due to come out. I responded that I didn’t know. I hadn’t heard from my publisher when he wanted the manuscript. Well that lovely lady got on the phone and a few hours later she wrote me that she had been assigned as the editor of my second book! 🙂
So The Reweaving now has gone through three stages of editing and is now in formatting. I am delighted. Here is a sneak peek of the cover art for the new book.
1 Comment
Really looking forward to the new book. The cover art is wonderful.