A Loving Retrospect -or- My How Time Flies!

Chris & Holly
Today I celebrate thirty-eight years of marriage with my hubby. It is a wonder to me to do the math and see that number. It’s not like I knew the magic formula. Quite to the contrary. My own parents divorced when I was a teen and it left some scars. Yet here I am looking at a relationship that has almost doubled their years together.

The vows said: “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health…” And there has been that. Life throws curve balls at any relationship. The trick is to hold each other closer and lean on each other in support. You can get through the strongest storm that way. Humor, appreciation of each other’s strengths..and quirks, kindness, honesty, walking in the other’s shoes (don’t raise your eyebrows..you know I meant figuratively) and more laughter has got us through so much. We’re a team. We’ve always communicated (sometimes loudly) and pulled together.

I think I got the better bargain. He looks at me with a baffled expression then laughs when I bring up that point but I see my flaws in complete clarity. He apparently doesn’t view things in the same light but that just confirms to me what a great deal I have. He is my support, my mood leveler, companion in work and play and my best friend. How lucky can I get? Warm to the bottom of my heart-lucky..and that equals years of being blessed. Now..onto the next thirty or so.

Oh and I would like to amend the vows j-u-s-t a bit.

…to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to bring you good topsoil for the flower-beds .. and hold you in my heart forever.


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